This week in the life of the Christian Church is known as Holy Week. It's called Holy Week because this week reflects back on the last week of Jesus' earthly live and ministry. Jesus entered into Jerusalem with shouts of Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Yet towards the end of the week, those shouts of praise and adoration were soon traded for shouts of - Crucify Him! Crucify!
Nevertheless, Jesus fulfilled His mission of living the righteous life that we were supposed to live and couldn't. And he gave up His life as substitutionary atonement for ours, so that all those who would believe in Him, would be forgiven by God the Father. This is what makes Jesus entry in to Jerusalem so TRIUMPHANT! This week therefore, let us focus in on knowing and adoring Jesus more by dedicating 1 hour per day to the reading of Scripture and prayer. Here is what I am suggesting:
Set aside 1 hour per day, perhaps 7-8pm.
Drown out all other interruptions - Cell phone, television, internet and eating - anything that will divert your attention.
Spend your hour reading Scripture, praying over what you're reading and asking God to illumine your mind and transform your will.
It's as simple as that!
Here are some suggested Scripture verses. And please note that all of them come from the last week of Jesus earthly ministry.
Monday – Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Matthew 21:12-17
Tuesday – The Great Commandment, Matthew 22:34-46
Wednesday – The Final Judgement, Matthew 25:31-46
Thursday – The Institution of the Lord’s Supper, Matthew 26:26-29
Friday – Break our fasting together in our worship service
My hope and prayer is that you will be illumined, encouraged and edified through these devotionals, this Holy Week.
Pastor Mike Rojas